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Thought Leadership

Turning Setbacks into Success- Kristin Jones

Turning Setbacks into Success 

Project Management is a journey full of ups, downs, and even occasional hiccups. But here's the truth…the hiccups are THE KEY to our success.  Let’s chat about what I mean.

Team Bonding through Failures: 

We've all had our fair share of failures. Instead of dwelling on them, what if we turned those moments into opportunities for growth, learning, and prevention. What if our thought of failure changed from a negative and was instead viewed as a common thread that binds project teams together? If you start talking about them openly, could you and your team learn from failures?  Could you possibly prevent them in the future? 

When something goes wrong and a team is able to discuss it freely, they are able to learn from one another and create a bond and a sense of trust that will be irreplaceable. Failure isn't the end; it's a starting point for progress and process improvement.

Projects are like Puzzles:

Projects are like puzzles waiting to be solved. As project managers, we get the opportunity to shape how the pieces fit together. Instead of feeling disappointed when a piece is missing, look at it as an opportunity to peel back layers, uncover weaknesses in processes, improve communication, or find a new approach to solve the problem.

When a project manager changes their mindset on uncovering the problem, it becomes a much more positive experience for everyone involved. It's not about pointing fingers; it's about understanding the "why" behind what went wrong and fixing it.

Practical Adjustments for Improvement:

When an issue happens, don’t think that you need to completely change your process! Transforming setbacks into success isn't about reinventing the wheel. We make practical adjustments, refine communication channels, and strengthen contingency plans. Ultimately, these adjustments aim to enhance the project, ensuring success for everyone involved.

Strategic Project Launches:

When it comes to the go-live process, it's not about taking a leap of faith. Instead, it should be a carefully thought-out strategy and an execution plan that leaves nothing to chance.  Let the plan guide you when issues arise - because they will.  

Through extensive planning, organization, and testing, we leave no stone unturned. This approach ensures that our project launches are not only smooth but also set the stage for success.

Embracing Change for Growth:

When confronted with challenges, we seize the opportunity with an adaptive culture within our team. We've shifted our perspective, viewing setbacks not as obstacles but as valuable chances for improvement. 

This change in mindset serves as a powerful force, empowering every team member to confront setbacks with resilience. Each challenge becomes an avenue for practical problem-solving, as our team collectively focuses on finding effective and realistic solutions.

In Conclusion:

Embarking on the project management journey involves practicality, where setbacks are not obstacles but chances for improvement. By conducting thorough analyses, making practical adjustments, and fostering an adaptive culture, project teams can navigate challenges, ensuring continuous improvement. It's this commitment that transforms setbacks into crucial moments that lead to excellence in project management.


If you’d like to go deeper into any of these topics, you can explore these related resources.