2023 Postal Holidays
There are 11 holidays the United States Postal Service (USPS) observes each year. In 2023 one of those holidays falls on Sunday, seven on Monday, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday, and one on Saturday.
The three that fall on the weekend are observed differently.
New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday when all USPS locations are closed, it will be observed on Monday so Postal employees can celebrate. The observance of that holiday is the easiest to calculate.
The one that falls on Saturday needs more explanation. Some USPS facilities are closed on Saturday while other facilities typically work on Saturdays. As a general rule, the facilities that are closed on Saturday observe the holiday the day before (Friday). If the facility is normally open on Saturdays, they will close for the holiday.
The dates of the 2023 postal holidays are listed below.

*For locations that are normally closed on Saturday, the holiday should be observed the Friday prior. If the location is normally open on a Saturday, then it will be closed on Saturday.
Contact your local Post Office if you have a question about how they will observe a particular holiday.
You can read or bookmark the postal service’s holiday calendar here. https://about.usps.com/newsroom/events/