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Thought Leadership

2024 Conference Essentials

The new year is here, and with it, another conference/trade show season is starting. We want to make sure you're as prepared as possible, so we've gathered what we believe are our 2024 Conference essentials. This advice comes from our most seasoned conference-goers, each with diverse interests, passions, and concerns, yet they all share a common goal: making connections! We hope you discover that our list aids in better preparing you for the busy season ahead, allowing you to feel more connected at conferences and less concerned about what essentials you might have left behind.

  1. Backpack: A convenient home for all your conference essentials.
  2. Phone, Computer, and Electronic Chargers: Stay connected and powered up throughout the event.
  3. Extra Charging Cords and Bases: Learn from past experiences—a spare cord can be a lifesaver.
  4. Comfortable Shoes: Prepare for hours of standing and extensive walking.
  5. Business Cards: An essential networking tool; you never know what opportunities may arise after exchanging information.
  6. Updated Emergency Contact Info: Ensure your lock screen has the latest details—modern cell phones make this information easily accessible.
  7. Freezer Gallon Zip Lock Bags: Versatile items for preventing leaks, protecting valuables, and storing miscellaneous items. Useful in unexpected situations like getting caught in the rain.
  8. Vitamin Pill Box: Prioritize health with a must-have for daily supplements, including immunity gummies.
  9. Chapstick: Keep your lips moisturized, especially in different climates.
  10. Gum: Ideal for airplanes and preventing ear popping.
  11. A Book: Not just a pastime but also a great conversation starter for travel downtime.
  12. Branded Clothing: Enhance company recognition and foster connections with branded attire.
  13. Power Strip: Essential for booth setups, ensuring all electronics stay charged.
  14. Conference Agenda with Event Times: Stay organized and make the most of conference events.
  15. Tide Pen: A quick solution for unexpected stains—a thoughtful gesture to offer to others as well.
  16. Small Mints: Opt for discreet freshness with Altoids or TicTacs.
  17. Pain Relievers (Ibuprofen or Tylenol): Alleviate sore feet from extended periods of walking and standing.
  18. Metal Business Card Holders: Protect your cards from damage and maintain a professional appearance.
  19. Refined Attendee List: Download and make notes to focus your networking efforts.
  20. Supplements (AG1 Travel Packets and Airborne Tablets): Boost immunity and energy levels during the conference, addressing the challenges of conference fare.

As you prepare for the 2024 conference season, we hope our list offers practical insights for your upcoming events. These essentials aim to enhance your experience and streamline your approach to conferences. Feel free to take what resonates and apply it to make your professional endeavors more effective. Safe travels, best of luck in your future conferences, and we hope to connect with you out there!